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Summary of Question:Why Do Good People Die Early
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/14/2006 11:35 PM MST

Tell me please, why do some very good people die at an early age and some evil people are allowed to live longer lives?...thank you.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Do you understand what karma is? Do you understand that life is the opportunity God gives the soul to come into physical form to balance out and learn the lessons created by past actions? Good and bad are relative terms, and if a person lives their life righteously, then death becomes a direct route HOME to God. Remember, everything comes from God, and everything shall return to God, including us. We think that dying is bad, and for those left behind who mourn, it is sad -- but it is another lesson in this school of life. Someone once said, you can live your life as an example or as a warning, and those "evil" people maybe have to stick around as a warning to others! Depending upon the lessons needed, God supplies each person with a certain allotment of breaths, and when those are used up, the soul leaves the body. If they have misused the breath of life (what we might call "evil") then they are going to come back and go through more incarnations, whereas those who have chanted God's Name, and connected with their soul while alive, are LIBERATED at the time of Death. Good and bad are relative terms anyway --- let God be the judge of others, and let us only strive to live as Sikhs of the Guru, righteously, with courage, kindness and compassion for all -- no matter who they are. SP

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