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Summary of Question:Other Religions
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/09/2004 1:28 AM MST

Hey, I have a question regarding other religions. There are religions like Christainity and Islam that say if you don't follow their religion you will end up going to hell no matter what good deeds you do. At first I just ignored this, but then I did some research and found some quotes in the bible and quran that actually prove this. I don't have the exact quotes with me, but i rememeber one from the quran saying that islam is the true religion, and anyone that doesn't follow it will be the loser hereafter. Now my question is how do we know that this isn't actually true. What if Christainity or Islam is the only true relion, or some other religion. I have been thinking a lot of this for the last couple of weeks, and Iam wondering if these books contain things said by messengers of God, then why would they have these quotes. Also since the Gurus probaly had a lot of exposure to Islam, did they have anything to say about this.

thank you

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Well, the bible and the quran were written by people who were promoting their religion. It's easier to "sell" a belief system with fear. On the contrary, our Gurus spoke from direct experience with God, and their words carry the blessing not only of guidance and understanding of the purpose of life, but by the very recitation of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Shabd Guru) we are uplifted and tuned into that divine experience they had. "Doing is believing." The path of a Sikh is one of "doing" -- and that is why we have been given the banis to read, and the REhit Maryada -- a code of conduct which not only is designed to help us remember that we are divine beings brought to earth to become "human" -- but to make this a better world for our having lived and breathed here -- being kind to all, serving all, being compassionate and recognizing that God is the Doer of everything. Ours is a very universal religion, a path that does not exclude anyone, and yet accepts and respects the rights of others to follow their religion wihtout interference. What could be better? May God bless you and Guru guide you. SP

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