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Summary of Question:If One Fears From Animals
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/27/2002 4:05 AM MDT

if one fears from insects or lizards, etc. can he or she is not supposed to be a sikh. fear is natural then why sometimes, we have to hear from others that "see, he/she is a sikh and is afraid of lizard". these things make me ashemed of myself.


Sat Siri Akal.

The Guru calls fearlessness a "sublime state." It is very natural, normal instinct to fear. We are afriad of what might harm us, give us discomfort, or even kill us. This is human and totally OK. The state of fearlessness is a gift given by the Guru, one that comes after a person has done a lot of internal work on him or herself through seva and meditation. Fearlessness is rare and precious. No young person should feel ashamed that they have not yet mastered that state. I'm in my 30's and I'm still working on it. But Guru shows me, every day, a little more how not to be afraid.

Start by meditating on the Guru and striving to understand what He is saying. The truth of His words will help you see the world differently, and that will begin to clear any fear-whether or lizards or anything else. In the meantime, you can practice having courage in the face of fear. Yes-you may be afraid of the lizard. But see if you can conquer your fear and touch it, anyway. The lizard isn't the problem. It's only your own thoughts. Fear is just a thought. See if you can conquer your thoughts...that's a good place to begin.

Gur fateh.


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