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Summary of Question:Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/09/2003 7:57 AM MDT

hello eveyone

this is my first time asking a Q? i don't how to say but their is a lot to say but i need your help making dec. i am different kind of sitution it's long story short my mom doesn't accept the guy i love my father i think ok. since they know about that i like that guy and i want to marry him. they stop taking to me at one point i stop too but then i think it's all my fault and i des. that and i start talking to them but still they won't talk to me same as before sp. my mom. their is a lot with this i don't know if i should ask or not. i don't know what to do please .....

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You definitely need to talk with both your parents, and bring this out in the open and decide as a family what to do. What about the boy? Have you met his parents? How old are you? Without knowing these things, it's hard to suggest any advice. Marriage is a major important event in your life, and without some mature wisdom, you are liable to make a big mistake. I wish you well.

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