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Summary of Question:Importance Of Kesh (Hair)...
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/05/2003 7:33 AM MDT

I am very unsure of why growing hair is a must for a Sikh. Is there any special motive behind it or is it an order? Is it a breach of faith to have short hair?

What part do the five Kakaars play in our life?

(i) The answer is given in Chapter III (questions 9-13). Briefly it may be stated that maintaining uncut hair is a part of the 5K uniform of a Sikh who is required to keep these articles of faith as a symbol of his/her identity, and his/her mission in life.

If a religion involved only individual concerns, one would need no form or ceremonies. Sikhism is a mission which requires one to be a noble person and work together as an organization to serve people. For maintaining discipline and spirit of service, called esprit de corps, use of such devices as flags, drills, and uniforms among the members of an organization like the army, police and scouts, has been in common use for a long time.

Guru Gobind Singh, in founding the Khalsa, the Sikh Panth, required the 5K uniform to be worn by every member of the Khalsa, Akal Purkh ki Fauj, the Legions of the Lord.

Sometimes it is said Kesh (hair) are natural and they preserve energy. Kirpan helps to protect us from bad people. These answers are intellectual explanations to justify the utility of the 5K’s. Such answers are not the basic reasons to wear the 5K uniform. They may be called advantages or benefits of keeping them. We wear clothes as a matter of our good culture. They have the additional advantage of protecting us form weather. Even when we have the best weather and we don't need to wear clothes, still we wear some clothes as a social requirement.

Similarly, wearing the 5K uniform is a religious requirement for a Sikh, a member of the Khalsa Panth. Of course, like clothes, they have other benefits too.

(ii) By not keeping uncut hair, one discards the discipline of the Khalsa code and loses one’s right to claim one’s membership in the Panth. In the same way, someone who takes off the team uniform can no longer play as a member of the team, even though he continues to be a good player.

(iii) The 5K uniform is a requirement for a member of the Khalsa Panth, just as every member of a team has to wear the uniform prescribed for the team. The uniform provides identity, unity, and motivation for the members in achieving the mission of the team. The 5K’s have the same significance for the members of the Khalsa Panth.

This is a perspective of keeping kesh of one GurSikh! i think it is written by Dr. Gurbaksh Singh jee or either Mr. Purewal! I thought it would be good to share so that we can see why having Kesh is important in a different angle.

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Importance Of Kesh (Hair)... (05/05/2003)
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