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Summary of Question:Does Masterbating Make You Lazy?
Date Posted:Monday, 8/04/2003 8:25 PM MDT

hi, I've heard that masterbating can dry up the seminal fluid to your brain and that you begin to lose concentration after while. I was thinking does masterbating make you lazy too, when you do physcial exercises? Also can it effect other things in your life and your school work? If so, how long does it usually take when you begin masterbating for you to begin lacking concentration and feeling lazy?


Yes, I think it could make you lazy, because it takes a lot of energy to make semen. If you are using up your semen in masturbation, you will not have as much energy for other things. How long does it take...I don't know. Just stop and don't start. Its a matter of consciousness. Is that how you want to use your consciousness? The second chakra can be used for creativity. Don't waste it in masturbation and fantasy. GTKK

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Does Masterbating Make You Lazy? (08/04/2003)
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