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Summary of Question:Isn't God Listening To My Prayers
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/28/2002 4:20 PM MDT

sat sri akalji.

i just came to know of this youth forum today and i just want to say it is such a wonderful way for us to try and understand our religion better. the reason i am writing this is because i broke off with my boyfriend of 7 years recently for no fault of mine...he just said he doesn't love me. nowadays he is with other girls who have replaced me. i don't understand why god did that to me. for the past 7 years all i have asked god was to take care of our relationship and the one thing i loved more than anything in my life is just taken away. i am trying to cope with this but suddenly i think my faith is waning...what should i do to restore my faith in god. i pray and ask him all the time but i don't even know if any of my prayers are reaching him. where should i look for comfort because i am hurting too bad. is there any path i can do so that i get some comfort from this pain? please help.
(REPLY) Seven years is a long time for a relationship. you don't say how old you are, nor whether you ever planned to get married. It isn't God's responsibility to make any relationship work! Over and over again people get their emotions trampled on, they feel betrayed because of "relationships" and they want to blame God, but honestly, what are you doing, and have you done to establish your relationship with your own soul? I know that doesn't sound as appealing as having a boy-friend, but the boy-friend/girl-friend arrangement in our present society isn't the Sikh teaching. We each are in this lifetime to pay off our karmas, and unless and until we turn to Dharma as our guide, we'll just keep causing more problems for ourselves. What do you think is the purpose of life? Believe me, the purpose is NOT to have a boy-friend (or even a husband!) because none of these things go along with us when we die, but our relationship with God is permanent and will never be destroyed. I think you need to read and understand Japji Sahib, and try to learn what Guru Nanak taught that became the foundation for the Sikh way of life. May God bless you and Guru guide you. SP

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Isn't God Listening To My Prayers (05/28/2002)
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