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Summary of Question:Re: Double Standard Concerning Girls With A Past
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 3/11/2003 3:16 PM MDT

Hi ALL !I read everyone's responses. Everyone really impressed whatever you did.But i have a question for you and everyone. If any gril have same past like you had and she told her Fiancés about her past. Than why always guys changed after listening that. Why cant a guy give her same love and respect?I think girls always forgive to guys whatever they did in past. I am asking to all the men why they do this? I mean if guys can have past why can't girls and why always girls has to hide their past?

Sat Siri Akaal. This is because Punjabi and many other cultures West and East have a double standard. Girls are supposed to be pure, virginal vehicles for their husbands. Girls do not have the right to expect the same of their husbands. So really the issue is how gutsy are the guys out there? Is it realistic for them to think that the girl they marry might NOT have a past? And how afraid are they of their parents finding out about the girl's past, because worse than the prospective husband are the prospective in-laws, who will think their status and very name has been sullied by a girl with a past.

So girls, you can take the risk of telling a boy you have a past and see where it lands, or you can decide your past is really past and that the present is all that counts and not say a word, ever. In the end, the present IS all that counts, and how one chooses to act in the NOW. Bilavaal M 5 p. 828 first shabad
"Tum samarath kaaran karan" "God knows your faults and has to cover them." All humans err, but God makes us divine.
Guru ang sang,

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