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Summary of Question:An Open Plea To Sangat
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/15/2003 12:32 AM MDT

Sat Shri akaal,

Recently one of my buddies (american) attended a "Sikh party" and came back utterly disgusted! He called and met up with me and discussed what happened. What he saw was what happens at most parties...many people smoking and blitz outa control. He had been reading up on the sikh history and the adhi granth. He's very intelligent person but seeing what he saw made him question: are we (sikhs) taking our principles for granted? I was embarrassed that he had to see that, and that those people didn't set a very good image of us (sikhs). Now, please, i am 22 , i don't drink or smoke or do things that violate our (sikh) principles. I Think us as new generation (ages 13+) need to work on making an effort to represent our community well. Why can't we do that? Who will it harm if we follow the guidance of our gurus (who FOUGHT AND SACRIFICED Their lives and families) so we can call ourselves "SIKH" today! Why can't we take things like kesh, and our vows seriously, why can't the upcoming people go to events like bhangra blowout and not drink...IT IS Possible to dance SOBER! I do it every year!Its disgusting, and it hurts me that people would risk the chance of setting the wrong impression for their community! I know everyone isn't like not...but please young sangat...lets join in our own corners of the world and follow the principles, take resources such as to help educate ourselves and empower ourselves, after all...who is it helping? Its going to help us be better sikhs, be closer to our maker: waheguru. Our gurus gave up too much for us to exploit them this way. I hope instead of being mad, u can see my plea! ANytime you think its hard, ask the lord for the strength, and see what miracles can occur.
Thanks for your time.

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