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Summary of Question:I Am Very Confused And Need Your Help?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/03/2003 10:31 PM MDT

My problem is, that i used to love one girl 4 years back but i did not aproach her. I was scared to aproach her then we lost contact. Early this year i got to know that she is having a boyfriend and their relationship is going on for one year. For the past few months back they was always having arguments. We got to know each other and became very close. She even ask me will i marry her, i said yes. By time pass we became very close and user to talk on the phone every single day and meet each other. By time pass by she was no longer with her boyfriend. After a month her ex boyfriend came back to her and they are very close now. She starts to ignore me nowdays. She dont call me and dont meet me.

I am confused i dont know what to do i really love her very much and cant affort to loose her........PLS ADVIVE...

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It's hard to give you an honest reply, because I know you won't like it. This girl is playing you for a fool. You are infatuated with her, and you are letting her "use" you when it suits her convenience. That is NOT love. How many times are you going to let her dump you before you wise up? Your best bet it to forget her, and get on with your life. Believe me, although you may not think so, you'll get over this "romance" and someday, hopefully, you'll meet someone who RESPECTS you and appreciates you. Until then, keep busy with your studies, join some clubs or groups, and spend some time every day reading your banis, especially Japji Sahib, to get some perspective on your life! Our purpose in being here on Earth is to experience God within. All other relationshps are temporary, and although it is lovely to be married and have a family, these are not permanent. your relationship with your soul is the only enduring relationship. Spend some time to build it. blessings,

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I Am Very Confused And Need Your Help? (07/03/2003)
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