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Summary of Question:Exam Headache
Date Posted:Friday, 10/11/2002 3:36 AM MDT

WJKKWJKF!!! Firstly, I would like to thank you guyz for doing such a great job with this ain't easy to answer extensive queries from people almost daily. Keep it up!! :) Right now moving on to my question...I'm sitting for my university entrance exam in exactly 1 month time. I have been studying till wee hours of the morning but I dont get the A's I want to score.I get mostly B's. It irritates me so much(maybe I'm ambitious but thats me...Im very competitive and hate to lose out to others)cuz I really wanna ace this exam and get into a good course in University. Sometimes when I study, I can only concentrate for a maximum of 45 minutes or 1 hour and then I get distracted and my mind drifts off to another planet. I know I shouldn't be getting distracted at a crucial time like this but my concentration span just doesnt seem to last beyond 45 minutes or so. I'm so mad about all this because i really really wanna ace this properly and do Gurujee proud. What shabads can I recite to help me concentrate better and help me to ace this exam??? Thanks heaps...would love it if you guyz could respond ASAP so that I can start working on this soon. Merci!! WJKKWJKF!!

So let us look at this - perhaps you are trying too hard to concentrate. Focus on doing the best. I used to have the same problem.
How do you plan your studies?... it is normal to focus for around 45 minutes... that is why most classes are about that long... so plan your studies in 45 minute chunks...take a small break (5 minutes) strech out, breathe deeply and relax drink some water etc. then go back to your studies. Also see if you can change subjects if that does not work so that you can read up on part of the topic for 45 minutes and then do another part.

Now after about 3 hours take a 30 minute break go for a walk, do some stretches and if you want to memditate slowly do mool mantre - Ek Ong kaar ( do using one long breath start with a high sharp EK (breathe in and let out with a long ONg Kaaaaaar) similarly Sat Nam (one breath) waheguru (one breath) and so on...

you should see the difference soon.

and goodluck in your exams do the best you can do and watch the result.


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