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Summary of Question:Lol......Lol
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/20/2003 9:49 PM MDT

Today i was sitting down listening to kirtan and some professional gianee was playin the drum and da beat sounded like a bhangra beat. ANd den the funniest thing happened(LOL)these 7 year old kids got up and started to bhangra in front of the kirtan. Damn it was so funny i try controlling my laughter but i couldn't. Even the niang beside me started laughing. When i think about it today i kind of laugh. This is my question Would god get mad at me for cracking up in the sangat?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. God doesn't "get mad" at people! Laughing is not a sin. Hopefully you didn't laugh so loud that you disturbed the kirtan. Siri Guru Granth Sahib even talks about singing and dancing with joy! Being "spiritual' doesn't mean that you have to have a long face and be serious every minute. Repeating God's Name with joy is what we want to do. Blessings, SP

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