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Summary of Question:I Have Locks, What Should I Do?
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/12/2005 9:57 PM MST

My name is Caitin and I just recently discovered Sikhism. A man once told me that your religion should feel like home, and everything I've read about Sikhism makes me feel just that; that I've jut found my god.

I have dreadlocks, and it was something I did a year or so ago. Everything I've read on Sikh customs says that this is truely unacceptable. The truth is, that I love my locks too much to cut them or comb them out. Does this mean that I'm not ready to commit to being a Sikh? Is it rejecting the Ultimate One?

Everything is Sikhism has a reason. We don't cut our hair and keep is healthy, clean and natural so that we can get the prana from the hair. We comb it comb daily to keep the dead hair from draining our energy. We use a wooden comb so not to disrupt our electromagnetic field. Getting rid of all of that dead hair is a daily purification of our energy. Old vibrations get trapped in our dead hair.

What you need to do is evaluate why you love your dreadlocks so much. Is it because of image, ego, or an experience you have with them. How does your energy feel with them? Only you can decide, but closely evaluate your motivations. Are they ego based or energy based? To become a Sikh, you have to let go of old attachments. It's like a rebirth, a cleansing, a letting go of the old and embracing the new. Letting go of old habits is scary, because we don't know the alternative. That is the risk you have to take. If you truly want to embrace Sikhi then you will have to let go of old attachments and have faith in God that you will be blessed with something much, much more fulfilling and divine. What could be better than allowing yourself to be as God created you. Bless you in your decision. GTKK

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