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Summary of Question:Guru Granth Sahib As Shabd, Not Idol
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Friday, 9/19/2003 8:12 AM MDT

Sikhs r told 2 believe that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru. i feel that it is the Bani that is the Guru and not the book(physical), so it is the Bani that should be treated as Guru. So why do we do suk asan, isn't this a ritual, are we not treating Sri Guru Granth Sahib as hindu's treat their idols. So by doin rituals like this ppl think this is showing respect for Guru(which it is) but infact u r gettin further away from Guru because people dont feel they need to read and understand Bani, but just show up at the gurdwara and thats ur job done. i feel that u haven't truly had darshan of Guru until u havn't heard gurbani.

i hope you get wot im sayin? im abit confussed?
Or am i just wrong for sayin everything?
Sorry to offend any one.

Sat Siri Akaal. You are right, Guru is BANI. "Bani Guru, Guru Hai Bani, Vich Bani, Amrit Saadheh." Guru Granth Sahib is considered a LIVING Guru. Shabd Guru does not die and is not born, but it is timeless and alive. The culture of treating Guru with respect is not unlike how other faiths treat their sacred Scripture, frankly. What is in people's hearts when they attend Gurdwara is not up to us to judge, although no doubt some folks think bowing to Guru without listening is enough. Do not let yourself get all uptight about the practices we have in keeping SGGS. It is part of the Sikh culture of respect for Shabd Guru. SGGS is NOT an idol, we bow to the Word, the Shabd. The Word is embodied in the 'book' that is SGGS. People may think we bow to a book. Technically, I suppose we do, but our heads and hearts are bowing to the Word written in form in the poetic words of Gurbani.
Guru ang sang,

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Guru Granth Sahib As Shabd, Not Idol (09/19/2003)
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