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Summary of Question:Re: Kal Ho Na Ho
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/29/2004 3:19 PM MST


The idea of contacting filmmakers or magazine publishers to voice your concerns are fine, but how to do it is very crucial.

Maybe this guy Karan Johar does not mean to portray sikhs as dumb but as funny people who can easily make people laugh. Because it is true, most of the time its Sikhs who make people laugh.

Dont come across as aggressive but you could ask him what is his intention with sikh characters...what is the purpose of him including sikhs in his films....what is it meant to do?

Furthermore if interested, tell him the proper character of a sikh and then in his future films, he will have no excuse to carry on using sikh characters as dumb people.

Not many people think like this when they watch Hindi films, its only when people like you bring it up that we look back and think "yeah you know what this person is right, we should do something about it!"

Good Luck

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