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Summary of Question:Im In Love With A White Guy
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/03/2004 1:25 AM MDT

hello. i am sorta confused and i would appreciate if u could answer my question. here's my story. i fell in love with a white european living in caanda guy. he's really sweet and he loves me and takes good care of me. we have been together for 6 months and my mother just found out. and she went crazy and wants me to break up with him. it is the hardest decision in my life. should i break up with this guy who i love and wanna marry and spend the rest of my life with (he feels the same way) and make my mother happy and then try to love someone thats' sikh, or should i stay with him and fallow whats inside my heart. what we both feel. but heres the twist we never get to see eachother. only in school. + now that she found out she grounded me for life. i cant call him or see him or anything. should i move in with him and his family and when i finish grade 12 move out just me and him. or i have no idea what to do. all i know breaking up with him would kill me. can you pleeease make some sence out of this and reply. it would mean a lot to me. Thank You


Only you can make sense of this. Go to our Matrimonial section on our SikhNet web site. There you will find a lot of information about how to make a good choice...questions to ask yourself and your boyfriend. Discuss these things together. Inter-religious and inter-cultural relationships are definitely more difficult. There is a lot to consider for both of you. It is only fair to both of you to thoroughly look at what your relationship means in the long run on all levels. Try to put aside the emotions and romance and discuss the many ramifications together. Marriage is much more than romance. Be smart about your decision and work it out together. You may decide that there are things you just didn't may decide after this process that going on with your relationship is worth it. Let us know what happens. And, if you have more questions after you start the process, write us back. Blessings.

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