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Summary of Question:I Dont Understand.........
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 3/18/2002 12:50 AM MDT

i am a white woman and i really enjoy your web site........but my qeustion of your sins is pride when is it a sin? when you have 2 much or 2 little....alsoattachment.2 whom?...anger?.....that is a very natural feeling.please elaborate...thank you.


The 5 'sins' you are talking about are not sins. They are lust, anger, greed, pride and attachment. These are 5 emotions that people must be able to control (or overcome) to become closer to God. These feelings are natural in humans, but we must learn to control them so that we don't live our lives in their control. They are not considered bad things that need to be shunned.

So when is, for example, pride bad? Pride is bad if, say, you work very hard and get a big promotion at your job beating out everyone else, and all you can think about is how good of a job you're doing. It's okay to feel good about yourself, but you shouldn't let your pride take you so far that you forget about god. Similarly, you must control your 5 emotions so you never forget about god.

I hope this helps,

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