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Summary of Question:Being Nirankari
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/09/2003 11:21 PM MDT

I am very happy that some of you are expressing interest in the Nirankari Faith. I am a Nirankari follower, and would be happy to answer any questions that you me have. First of all I would like to respond to an earlier post. Nirankaris are NOT Sikh. Because the Nirankari faith was born out of Sikhism there are many Nirankari followers who were followers of Sikhism. The Nirankari faith is a spiritual movement that brings together people of all backgrounds and religions including Sikh, Hindu, Christian, etc. Nirankaris have belief in and respect for all prophets of the past from Ram to Jesus to Guru Nanak. In our sangats, we study the Gita, Bible, Quran, Gurbani. One main point that must be understood is that Nirankari IS NOT A RELIGION, its a spiritual movement, a way of life. Because the faith was born out of Sikhism, there are many similarities between the two (belief in one god, no idol worship, no caste system, no rituals, etc.) Nirankaris find the Gurbani to be a beautiful scripture and enjoy learning from it very much. They also hold belief in the 10 gurus, along with all other prophets of the past. But like I said earlier, this is not a religion, it is a movement that is trying to attain universal brotherhood. Nirankaris follow a Guru, Baba Hardev Singh Ji. We believe that through him we can realize God and live a spiritual life of a Gursikh. Baba Hardev Singh Ji is a preacher of love, peace, and universal brotherhood as Nirankaris all follow. We welcome people of all walks of life into our sangats. I would greatly enjoy answering any questions that anyone my have. Also, if anyone would like contact of a Nirankari sangat in your area, please do respond, where ever you go, you will be welcomed with open arms. God bless.

Sat Nam. Thank you for this post. If you could post back contact info for those with serious questions about Nirankari, that would be great. Your email won't show on this post, so let us know. Thanks.

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