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Summary of Question:How To Do Sadhana?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/06/2004 1:23 PM MDT


I feel compeled to do sadhana... in fact i need it ...
i just don't know the proper method to do it. Can u please explain it to me, which banis should i recite, which mantras... do i always have to take a cold shower before? Do i have to do any krya while reciting?
When i finish, can i go to sleep again or do i have to stay up?
I don't read gurmukhi, i'm learning but i can't read it for myself now, can i read banis in english or is better if i try to read transliterations.
I really appreciate ur answer and thank u for all the guide u give us...


Sat Nam. God bless you! It would be ideal to try to arrange a visit to a Sikh ashram where Sadhana is practiced daily, so that you can develop your routine with other, like-minded people. If that is not practical, then you want to develop a personal routine that you practice each day. Pick a date to begin and mark it on you calendar, and make a commitment to keep up for 40 days. Beginning new projects on the new moon is helpful energetically. 40 days allows you create a kind of positive addiction to Sadhana in your psyche. Sadhana means a daily practice, and it gives us the simple benefit of washing the mind each day, renewing and rejuvenating ourselves, just as we wash our body. Definitely start with a cold shower, even if in the beginning you can only wash your face and feet with the cold water. Remember, meeting this challenge and putting yourself in the cold shower after massaging yourself with almond oil, gives you the capacity to overcome every other challenge throughout your day! If you find a full cold shower too difficult in the beginning, but you put your face and feet in the cold water, you will find this actually makes the rest of your body want to experience the benefit as well, because this beautiful hydrotherapy stimulates your entire nervous system and circulatory system, leading to volumes of health benefits too numerous to describe here. After washing yourself, sit before your altar, and start by reciting Japji. Since you are just learning Gurmukhi, if you can obtain a tape from Ancient Healing Ways at or (800) 359-2940, then you can recite along with the tape or CD. Otherwise, do your best to follow the pronunciation guides in the transliteration and you will vibrate the beautiful and powerful, sacred sounds of the first prayer of Guru Nanak. Following Japji, pick a yoga kriya, for example from the Sadhana Guidelines Manual, and practice it faithfully for 40 days. That gives you the most benefit, when you allow your body to practice the stretches and hold the postures, learning them well, in one set for 40 days. Then pick another kryia and do that one for 40 days. Following the yoga, sit still in meditation. If you can obtain one of the Aquarian Sadhana meditation tapes, that is ideal. If not, then pick a meditation you know and practice it for 40 days. If you call Ancient Healing Ways (800-359-2940) you will find the staff very helpful in guiding you to pick a meditation tape or CD and perhaps the Sadhana Guidelines Manual if you do not have it. This manual will give you much more information to assist you in developing your personal sadhana practice. I wish you infinite blessings and love! Sat Nam. -GMK

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