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Summary of Question:Shabad About Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/05/2003 7:34 PM MDT


khalsa jeeo, i was wondering if there is any shabad related to marriage or weddings?

my friends are getting married in a little while and as part of a wedding present i'd like to give them a shabad relating to marriage printed on a nice background. the problem is that i can't find a suitable shabad. i know theres lots of shabads about the "marriage" or union between the soul and god, but i need one that's related to a human-to-human marriage. maybe something about helping each other alond the path of sikhi or something?

i think i remember reading a shabad once that said that marriage without commitment isn't a true marriage...or something like that...i really hope u can help me on this.

fateh jee

(REPLY) Sat Nam. When Guru Ram Das's daughter was to be married, he wrote marriage vows which became an integral part of the "official" Sikh wedding ceremony. there are four verses, and they are the four "rounds" that the couple makes as they listen first to the words from Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and then bow, pledging to follow these instructions for marital life, then they walk around the Palki Sahib/ this is called the Lavan. I'm sorry I don't have the page number in SGGS at my fingertips, but surely any Granthi can find them for you, or perhaps you can find them by a search on this site. They would be ideal printed out and framed as a gift for your friends. The other quote I recall, but can't quote the source is, "Call them not married who just sit together, but those who have become one soul in two bodies." (This isn't the exact wording, but you get the idea. Blessings,

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