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Summary of Question:Are We God?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/13/2004 10:31 AM MDT

Please answer!

I have heard from many many saints that we are god.
We should see god in every human being. We should see god within ourselves.

Our 10th Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said that if someone considers him god, he/she will go to hell. Is it true?

this seems like a contradiction to Sikhism, and where is this written, who wrote this and is there any historicity to this saying from Guru Gobind Singh?


Sat Siri Akaal. If you can, please let us know the line you are quoting from 10th master above.
Yes, we are all part of God, but we are not THE Creator of the Creation (Ik Ong Kaar). We are part of the Creation and hence divine.

10th Master Guru Gobind Singh wrote the Jaap Sahib. Remember the opening lines (and I paraphrase here): How can anyone NAME You? You are nameless and have all names. Therefore, I shall call You by your deeds. Which he goes on to do for 193 verses. 10th Guru's line that you mention above is not being properly understood, I suspect. I have read his Ramkalee and Shabd Hazaray and Jaap Sahib and all of them recognize One Supreme Creator. Guruji also recognized that his physical strength and earthly 'power' were strictly by God's grace. What I believe 10th Guru is saying in the line you mention above is that the person who DOES NOT recognize that God is the Doer, the Supreme and the One from whom all graces and blessings flow is going to find him/herself in a personal hell and will certainly repeat the rounds of births and deaths and karms. Such a one thinks s/he is THE GOD (as in greater than Akaal Purakh) rather than part of the Creation that IS God. Do you see the difference? The manmukh thinks it's all his/her own doing, and the gurmukh recognizes that it's all God's doing.

Guru ang sang,

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