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Summary of Question:What Goes Around Comes Around
Date Posted:Friday, 1/07/2005 11:33 PM MST

wjkk wjkf,

I'm 18 years old and I need help cuz my life is breaking down. I really try not to talk as much and am always depressed. I feel as if i've always gotten the short end of everything in life. For one, I cut my hair as a result of everyone around me and it feels as if i made a mistake. I've lived in the U.S almost all my life and my parents never told me what it ment to keep your hair. They just told me to keep it. After cutting my hair I noticed i had lost some of my hair which was caused by the constant pulling of my hair in a knot. (You said that a person does not have to tightin his hair into a knot, but explain that to a child that has had this done to him from day one.) Not only that, I loose faith sometimes because i feel as if I have been a failure. I'm not the type that wants to stand out or look the best, but I feel that i've lost all of my confidence due to the fact that i've lost some hair. I also like a girl who goes to my school and it's hard to talk to her cuz i think she's going to beat me up like they do in those retro indian movies. No, really she might just say "no" and it's all over. I belive that i only have one shot and that is a hair transplant. Just writting "hair transplant" hurts because i feel like i'm not like everyone else. In elemenery and middle school, I was made fun of because I had a jurra and I just don't know why god would do this to me. Why he would hurt people who have never done bad things. I only have one goal in mind and that is to get my life back and build a future for myself. If theres one thing I believe in, it's the fact that what goes around comes around and my day will come. I could go on and on but i'll leave it to that and let u comment.

Peace out.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I understand that you are feeling depressed, and sorry for yourself at this time, and I don't know that anyone can help you change that, because it's really up to you to change it. Here's what I think you can do, if you're willing to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Are you? Do you want to be happy? Really! Well, step one, forget the past, and decide from this moment forward the kind of person you want to be. If you want friends, and you want people to like you, then be a friend to others, help others, be kind, be pleasant, and if you want/need a hair transplant, either get it or forget it. Too bad you cut your hair, well now let it grow. What's done is done. Move on with your life. Are you finished with High School? What are you doing to prepare for a career for your future? Is your health OK? Maybe a physical check-up at this time would be a good idea, to make sure that your depression is not the result of some imbalance in your system. Are you reciting Japji Sahib every morning? For self-esteem, Jaap Sahib is very powerful -- have you tried reading it every day? States of mind are vibratory states that can be changed, like changing the channel on your TV. That is why our banis, our shabds are so powerful and effective, because they change the channels in our minds from negative to positive. Unfortunately, most of us have negative habits of thinking, and so to change those habits, we have to consistently replace those vibrations of being a victim, and feeling bad, with vibrations that uplift our consciousness, and remind us of God! Just repeating SAT NAM and/or WAHE GURU with every breath as often as you can, will make a difference. My apologies, but you asked what we think, and I personally think you need to decide to change your attitude. I hope you will, and with Guru's grace, I know you can! Blessings, SP

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