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Summary of Question:I Am Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Date Posted:Saturday, 9/14/2002 9:10 PM MDT

hi a bit of a long one so bear with me,

I am a 25yr old sikh man who for many years has followed sikhi in more detail, namily to find out what it is all about and its history.

So when my grandad who is a very wise & religous man finally came to stay with us i had the oppurtunity to question him on some of things that i didnt understand and also other issues about sikhi.

Any way one day i asked him about a story i had heard from a friend of mine about guru gobind singh ji saying that after a certain amount of time he will re-turn to this world, i ask my grandad about this and he told me that this is true and that he had already come and gone!!!!

So my first question is to those who believe in god, if some one was to come up to you and say that they are the reincarnation of a guru and that they have come as promised in the holy scripture would you believe them??? if not why not??? and if so then would you ask for some kind of prove???

These are the question i put to my grandad, i wanted to know that if this was the case then wot prove did this person give to show that he was who he said he was - the answer - the person has apprantly narrate 25 volume of scripture in no less then 5 different languages - my grandad tells me its called hurmuki the higher source of gurmuki and is the word of god.

I have a little trouble in believing what my grandad says for the simple reason that if this is true then would this person who cailmed to be the reincarnation of guru gobind singh ji not of told the rest of his followers?? What do you think??

My grandads answer to this question was that every TRUE sikh knew of his return but were looking in the wrong place - apprantly (I forgot that name of the place) people were looking for sri guru gobind singh ji's return to be in a village but the name that he had mentioned in the SGGS was not of a place but of the body he would return in!! He returned and stayed here in india for 65yrs and only relised who he was at the age of 14 when he was visited by his father GOD.

I now your probably thinking what the hell is this guy going on about but this is what has been told to me, i do believe it becuase of who my grandad father is he is a well educated man who hold a degree in pure mathematics and follows sikhi to the letter.

What i want to know is that is it written in SGGS that sri guru gobind singh ji will at some point return?? And if so does it indicate at what point in time he will???

I now its a bit of a long mail, but that that case i have so any views would be welcomed.

Thanks for you time


You asked for various views, well here's mine. What difference does any of this make in your life? Guru Gobind Singh did give us the Shabd Guru as our once and forever always living Guru, and the teachings and the Words of our Guru are there for us so that WE can merge with God. What difference does it make how divine anyone else behaves or is, or manifests, or what anyone was in a past lifetime? It is now that we are alive, and that is because we have been given an opportunity to discover the GOD that lives and breathes inside of US. All the intellecutual conjecture in the world will never take you to God. Guru Nanak told us in Japji Sahib that cleverness is not the way. Instead of wasting time in "beliefs" -- the Sikh way of life is to be experienced -- by chanting God's Name and reciting Guru's bani. So that's my view.

Blessings, SP

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