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Summary of Question:Fear At Night Time
Date Posted:Monday, 10/28/2002 8:06 PM MDT

waheguruji ka khalsa waheguruji ki fateh

before i also email my ques now again i am asking please help me. i feel scared all the time especially at night time bcz mostly i was alone at night time.i believe in God in our Bani and i do path but still i have bad dreams at night time like sometimes i saw dead people and some time i feel pressure on my body and at that time i want to open my eyes but i can't i want to speak but i can't .is there any spirit that is haunting me or its only my (wahem). i am really very confused and please give me some shabad so that i can get out from this fear and also i feel very lonely and depressed because mostly my husband is away from city and he don't understand my problem.

so plz tell me why i feel in this way why i was scared all the time.
Dear sweet and fearless daughter of Guru Gobind Singh,
I have a number of suggestions for you.

1. Eat dinner no later than 6pm. This will give your stomach 3 hours to digest the food before going to sleep at night. Eat lightly at night, just fruits or vegies, no heavy cooked oils, no fried, no meat etc.

2. play some soft sweet Gurbani kirtan when you sleep and all throughout the night. Some simple repetitive lines from Shabds are good(see Western Shabds-on Sikhnet).

3.Daily recite "Benti Chaupa-ii" from Rehiras (or in Nitnem). It starts "Humaree karo hath de rachaa....." God give me your hand in protection"..... Recite this full prayer 11 times a day for the next 90 days. You can find it and print it from Sikhnet. On home page is a link to "shabd sheets".

4. Drink 2 glasses of water before you go to bed. Drink more water during the day....about 8 to ten glasses of water daily. Make sure the water is filtered water or spring water.

5. Bless yourself and feel the presence of your own loving God and Guru. Practice feeling surrounded by love and protection. Say out loud every day 11 times in a meditative manner," at every moment I am filled and surrounded by the loving light of God"

God bless you and Bless yourself,

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