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Summary of Question:Short Attention Span
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/18/2002 2:05 PM MDT

Sat sri akaal, everyone!

I'm finding it difficult in recent weeks to do my prayer readings & simran. I have the attention span of a housefly! My mind bounces about like a ping-pong ball and I find all kinds of things sneaking in and interrupting me. Focus is so hard these days, and I don't know what to do. Makes me wonder if I am worthy to call myself Sikh anymore. any advice, at least in how to keep my mind at ease?

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


SatNam, dear Elizabeth. I think it's difficult for many people these days to stay focused. There is so much happening in the world, there's a lot of confusion everywhere. Using the breath (God's gift to you!) and mantra, before you sit down to read your banis may help. Try simply closing your eyes, and watching your breath flow in and out while you think SAT on the inhale, and NAM on the exhale. Try this for a few minutes, and then do your prayers etc. And, if you find your mind wandering during your practice, go back and focus on SAT NAM again. Chanting out loud is sometimes even more effective, so you could try that. (One way of chanting is to inhale deeply and chant a long SAT and then a short NAM, and then inhale deeply for the next repetition. Try this for 8 times - meanwhile focusing your attention in between your eyebrows -- this is a center of consciousness that will help concentration.) What you do with your body affects your mind -- and what you do with your mind affects your body. So, you might want to put your palms together at the center of your chest in a "prayer" pose as you chant. Blessings with love, SP

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