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Summary of Question:Re: Indians Make Me Angry
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 11/06/2003 6:01 PM MST

Just thought I'd post down my thoughts after reading and gettin totally pi**ed off by that post on how that indian girl hates indians

Are u just stupid or wut? seriously I've heard of people being racist towards others cultures/skin colours, but u? and indian girl trashin her own cultural values HAHA ooh the irony. I guess I can't blame ya if your parents decide to hold on to their own idiotic ideals(im from surrey BTW) about other indians & judgin em and stuff like that i guess its only natural the kids going to adopt them. You wanna hate indians and become a western girl go ahead fine by me but lemme ya tell ya one thing I agree that indian culture has its ups and downs but that doesn't mean you forsake and decide to start smoking pot n stuff where the hells yours self-worth? also you should take pride in being a sikh (if you are one) and an indian cuz no where in history has there been any selfless acts of bravery and moral and physical strength, go ahead and look up other history on other ethnicities and culture none of em have as many sacrifices and martyrs as indians have for a good n noble cause

your an indian, take pride in your heritage god and your karma have bin gracious towards you in giving you birth as an indian sikh don't screw up and toss away that gift

God has given you (hopefully) a brain, use it and don't disown your culture

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