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Summary of Question:Spiritual Powers-How To Attain?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/11/2004 10:47 PM MST

Hello and Sat Sri Akaal to my fellow brothers and sisters, may waheguru bless us all with health, wealth and happiness. I will go straight to my question, well, it is nice to know some sikhs have spiritual powers in which they do good for people, i am deeply touched by them and i dont know why, there is some inner voice in me and telling me that i should also have this spiritual powers and do good for my fellow sikhs, i am wondering, is there any bani or shabad where upon reciting it, Waheguru will bless us with spiritual powers? If there is, i would like to know which shabad or bani it is.

Thank you!
Kiranpal Singh

Sat Siri Akaal, Ji.
Spiritual powers are a by-product of regular, daily, spiritual practice. Whatever powers you are meant to have can only be known and developed by a strong spiritual practice. For some, this includes practice of yoga to strengthen and clear the body to support practice of the Naam and make for a clear receptacle for the blessings of Naam.

Depending on the length of your practice (31 minutes a day, 62 minutes/day, 2.5 hours a day, etc.) and what you choose to practice, your development will accord with the length of time you give it. Do NOT practice solely to attain spiritual powers, because this is your ego interfering. Read SGGS daily and learn that humble practice of the Naam grants ridh, sidh, 9 nidh. The Lord arranges the affairs of His devotees. Choose for yourself which naam mantra to practice, and do discipline yourself daily into the practice. Better yet, do so with sangat, do it at the same time every day, and do so in a sacred space. Sit collected on the floor or in a chair, and have your SPINE STRAIGHT. See other posts on this forum under meditation for more information. Guru ang sang,

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