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Summary of Question:Marriage As A Way To Become Legal In Usa?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 11/02/2001 8:58 PM MDT


i am 17 year old, and i am stuck in this problem. I am in love with this person, and i have known him for the past 3yrs. We both have never done anything bad or wrong. He is illegal here in United States, and he is scared that something might happen to him, because of the attack on America. The United States passed a law to search for people who are illegal, and overstaying than their visas. When I told my parents about this situation, they told me to wait for 2 yrs, and if he waits and really care for you he will wait. So, my parents talked to him and his parents and told him to wait for 2 yrs. Now, he is telling me that he is not going to wait for me anymore, that he had already waited for me for 3 yrs. He also tells me that as soon as he finds a girl he is going to get married with her, so he can be legal in the U.S. Is their any other way that he can be legal in the U.S, besides getting married with someone else. Please help me through this, because I don't want him to get married with someone els
e. He also keeps telling that I ruined him life because, If I wasn't in his life he could have been legal here in the U.S. I don't know what step I should take, so can someone help me through this or tell me if there is any other soulution for him besides getting married.


Sat Siri Akaal. Nonsense. He is burdening you with his problem. It is HE who is responsible for being here legally or illegally, not you. It is NOT your fault. If he is going to lay this on you then ask yourself if he REALLY loves you or (in the beginning) used you because he thought he could get legal that way.

Also, attack or no attack, getting legal in USA is not as easy as it was. I have a friend who has been illegal for years, and marriage can't resolve her problem. He can't simply marry someone just like that to get legal if he is currently here illegally. Nope. So, both of you come out of your emotional bodies and talk to a good immigration lawyer (lots of Indian immigration lawyers in USA) or find a legal services agency that serves illegal aliens and get the full information on what it will take to become legal. Although a legal services agency as I mentioned might mostly serve farm workers, they will be able to indicate what the requirements are for becoming legal in the USA. If you are in NY or TX or CA, such an agency will be easy to find. You might be able to research this on the Web, but I still recommend talking to someone who is extremely familiar with the yearly changes in US immigration law. That is, the Web might not have current or up-to-date information and is no substitute for a lawyer. BTW, I
know one such requirement for becoming legal, no matter what, is sponsorship by a legal citizen of the USA.

Good luck. Guru rakha,

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