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Summary of Question:Cant A Hindu Marry A Sikh
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Monday, 4/09/2001 9:13 AM MDT

I am in need of help. I love my boyfriend alot and my parents know about us. They are open-minded and they are even all in for a sikh traditional marriage and they also told me that they are okay with me converting to Sikh. I want to convert to sikh because I belive that only then will his family accept me. I heard many belives saying that Sri Guru Nanak said that all are euqall. Then why are the Sikhs strongly believing in only marriage from their same community. I have many friends who are going through the same problems! I am so confused as they call themselves pious and believers of the gurus but in the end they follow their own rules. This is not fair. I love my boyfriend so much and Im very worried for our future as his parents may not even accept me just because Im hindu. And Didn't Sri Guru Nanak born from an Hindu family?? I really hope all sikhs or atleast sikhs who go against other religions will try to belive in equality and give everyone a chance to prove themselves.

Right now, Im praying for everyone who is going through the same problem as me.
Thank you.
I know how painful your life seems to be just now. There is a real duality between your love for this man and your faith in God.

Let me ask you this you have a faith and a daily practice of God consciousness that carries you from day to day? This family obviously does have a daily practice that is important to them. I do not get the impression that they are rejecting you personally. It appears that they would like a dedicated and devoted woman to be the wife of their son and the mother of their grandchildren.

The Sikh way of life is a very specific practice of seeing the God within all. By that same token, as a Sikh, the maintaining of this technology and teaching it to the children is very important. This is a very hard consciousness to maintain in the Kalyug. The entire world is dominated by greed and false values. So, to maintain the integrity of the pure values in the home and family is quite important.

If you really love this man deeply, then take the time to deeply explore the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and let it's love and wisdom guide you in your life. Guru Nanak was also the Guru for the Hindu's. This seems to be the path that is opening up for you. So, why resist the will of God?

I would reccomend that you daily read (OUTLOUD) the English translation of Jap Ji Sahib at: http// for the next 90 days. This will work for you to give you the depth of understanding to appreciate what is happening to you. It will give you wisdom to know what is right.

God bless you and keep up.

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