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Summary of Question:Priority Money/True Husband,Lover,Father,Son!
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/25/2006 8:19 AM MDT

Sat sri akaal

I want to know that why is MONEY made so important in life? No matter how much religious a person is but certainly e needs money!!
Also this is a little silly thing to say but anyways ... Life is full of bad guys n bad girls, i m not saying that all r bad but still... Is there no guy in this world who is really a true lover,a true friend,a true husband,a true follower of god's teachings,a true father. All i read on this site is a lover duping his lover , a husband having extra marital relations,love affairs,a father running after money not gving any priority to his children,thinking them as a burden for him.I know there is such person that is GOD but other than him,is there no such man,a guy,a son,a lover,a friend,a husband that provides unconditional love to his family no matter how hard his days get,no matter how many difficulties crop up in his life...Is there no one who really is commtted towards wife,children,mother,father,sister,grandparents....Is there no such person around anymore?????????
I am 20 year old female. I am sad today, writting all this from my experience as a daughter. Also from the pages of life of people whom i come across during my life .
Can you please tell me such a person whom i try to get into my as my husband through prayers to almighty. You can call me a selfish on this note, but i don't regret, you can call me so if you u think so but i really feel the want,necessity,urge,of such a person inside my heart,my mind .My mind my soul is always searching for such a person, i don't know why,but there is a strong urge in my heart n mind for such a person.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Well, the people who post messages on this site are the ones who are in trouble. There may be plenty of others "out there" who are honorable, happy and well adjusted. But in today's world, the values that you are seeking are not society's "norm" -- unfortunately. REalize that as human beings we are all flawed. If we were perfect, we wouldn't be here. However, I think you are intelligent (intellligently selfish!) in your wanting to find the kind of husband you describe. So, one way of praying that Guru Nanak originally taught women to use to "calm the beast" in a man, and/or to attract a saintly man, is to recite the SOPURKH section of Rehiras Sahib. I know of women who have used this successfully. It is suggested to recite it 11 times a day. I hope you will try it. May God bless you. SP

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