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Summary of Question:Ouija Board???
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/17/2004 3:37 PM MST

Hi I have a question i was wondering about. I have a ouija board and sometimes me and my friends ask it questions and as amazing and spooky as it sounds, it answers the questions, answers to questions even my friends dont know about cept for me. My question is are we really supposed to believe in something supernatural as a ouija board? is there anything in sikhism that says anything about contacting the spirit world with things like a ouija board? and could these actually be spirits answering us who still live on within the physical plane?

Sat Siri Akaal. There is nothing specific in Sikhi about ouija boards and the spirit world. This query falls under the 'pandits and astrologers' admonishments in SGGS. The only true 'pandit' in Sikhi is the Guru, represented by Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The Guru is ABOVE and greater than any astrology or panditry devised or understood by humanity.
If you want to know the universe, practice the Naam daily and you will, for the universe is known through the Naam.
Guru ang sang,

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Ouija Board??? (01/17/2004)
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