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Summary of Question:Who's Soul Finds Its Way To God?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 3/14/2003 8:27 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

Something that my friend had told me that a sant had told him has been bothering me for a while. He said that the soul to finally merge with the Lord, must go through a Male human lifetime, therefore, a Woman's lifetime on this earth will not get her into "heaven." What are your thoughts or opinions on this, because I can not understand how this possibly can be, it makes me upset at Sikhism and especially how Karma and Dharma work.
Thanks for your time, truely appreciated.

Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Naam!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. The "sant" who misled your friend obviously did not mention that we all have been in 8.4 million previous incarnations -- not all of them as humans (but most likely some as men, some as women), til we have reached this lifetime, and nowhere that I know of does our Guru talk about the necessity to be in a male form to merge with God! Actually, if you read what Guru Nanak says about women, and how we should respect and revere her as the mother of mankind ("Bandh nimieh, bandh jamiaa" - excuse my poor transliteration of this shabd by Guru Nanak) I think it's clear that there is no such chauvanistic (!) restriction on whose soul merges with Akal Purkh! Chanting God's Name to achieve liberation is not reserved for the male gender! Blessings, SP

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