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Summary of Question:My Love Is Not Working
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 10/12/2007 1:50 AM MDT

Hello, there was a girl I still love , everything was going fine in between us, we both are amritdharis, but now for some reason the relation ship will break forever and wont materialise into marriage. I had promised to SGGS that I will marry her not anyone else and I accepted her as my wife.

But I think at that time I was completely and wholly wrong to make such a promise and I think this relationship may not work as the girl is backing out.

What you think I should, should I remain bachelor now?
Dear one,

You are really quite hard on yourself.
God and Guru are forgiving and kind and supportive.
Be kind and supportive to yourself. You made a promise out of emotion. Now you must adjust and be a practical son of Wahe Guru and forgive yourself.

Pray to God and read from SGGS and find the place in your heart where you have no emotion but only feel deep kindness and neutral mind. Surrender your attachment to this girl and your expectation of marriage to her. Then let the Guru and God take care of your future and be open to marriage when the time comes.

Blessings to you,

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