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Summary of Question:Hair - Not Cutting Though
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/29/2002 12:44 PM MDT


i have read a lot about the hair on legs maintains the glandular system, and the armpit hair maintains the parasympathestc system, i dont really understand these concepts (not a scientist)...i have tried to search on the web for explanations - but they tend to go into too much technical jargon thus leaving more confused than before...i would really appreciate it if somebody could explain what is meant by these.

thanking u in advance for ur time

Sat Nam.

Try to think of it this way. The hair on your body helps regulate the systems of your body-including the glands and the nerves-because it interacts with the wind, the sun and the electromagnetic field of the body in certain ways. It is very subtle, but also very powerful.

I hope this helps.


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