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Summary of Question:Can Guru Ji Help Me?
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/19/2001 8:01 PM MDT

Ok well.. I've never really been that religious, since I never really knew alot about Sikhism. But I've been having alot of problems lately, and I can never be satisfied. My friend told me that Sikhi solves all your problems, and the guru can always help you and make you happy. For some reason, I don't see this happening, or maybe I just don't have enough faith.

I've been trying to learn alot more about sikhism these days, and it's very appealing.. Sooo many punjabi kids are raised with parents who go to the gurdwara and do a little paat on the side, but the parents never teach their children ANYTHING about sikhism, so it's understandable why so many kids are corrupt these days..

I'm not getting into sihkism just so my problems go away, but I've just seeked other places and nothing seems to help..
Some of my friends smoke, and I would never. I know so many people who drink and do drugs, but that's fake happiness and I would never do that to my body anyhow.
It seems like there's something more alluring about sikhism, and that's why people are brave enough to take amrit.
I know I'm no where near that stage yet, I'm still afraid. I have SOO many problems, and I really need Guru Ji's help. Am I asking for too much, would God think I'm greedy? I've heard that God cares about everyone and if you hand your problems to guru ji, they'll go away, or you'll at least have enough strength to overlook them
If you could give me any advice or tell me what to do, it would be greatly appriciated. Thanx !!!! :)
Your realizations are a gift of God. This is a place to start. The more you immerse yourself into the Bani's and reading from the Guru and practicing our lifestyle the more expansive will be your experience of your own grace and your own connection with Wahe Guru.

When you surrender your problems to the Guru, you are relying on the Guru to empower you to float over the problems. The problems do not go away, but, you find solutions and they are no longer problems.

Read the English translation of Jap Ji Sahib at: every day for the next 90 will have an experience that will bring clarity and understanding to your life.

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Can Guru Ji Help Me? (04/19/2001)
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