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Summary of Question:Goddess In Sikhi?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/15/2004 2:40 PM MDT

hi there this moght be a wierd question but do we believe in a godess??? if we do wot iz her name??? and wot iz her purpose??? and sorry if this is useless i wiz jus curious thanx

Sat Siri Akal.
We believe in One Creator of the Creation. Just because we commonly use 'he' or 'his' or 'him' as the reference points does NOT mean at all that there is no Divine Feminine. The problem is our language! Of course the Creator has Masculine and Feminine Aspects. It might be more accurate to refer to the Creator as He-She-It. We don't believe in a specific goddess with a specific name, but read the 30th pauri of japji sahib. You'll see there a reference to the Divine Mother (Aykaa Maa-ee, Jugat Vi-aa-ee, etc.) Guru ang sang,

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