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Summary of Question:Children Born Of Interfaith Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/13/2001 5:57 PM MST

I would like to know if children born to an interfaith couple are automatically born as Sikhs? eg. If a Jewish woman marries a non-Jew their children are automatically Jewish because the mother is Jewish.

Sat Siri Akaal. Jewish practice is that religion is inherited through the mother. I think Punjabi Indian practice is that religion is inherited through the father, but I don't know for certain.
HOWEVER, such things for the children involved are never really automatic. Parents whe care about their respective faiths often offer the teachings of both faiths to the children and then when the children are of age they can choose for themselves what to believe and how. There is no set rule, and there is NOTHING in Siri Guru that says what to raise children if they are born of interfaith parents. In fact, Siri Guru is clear that true spirituality is granted to anyone who chants the Naam. Not just to SIKHS who chant the Naam but anyone.
Guru rakha,

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