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Summary of Question:Life? I Feel Tired And Bored.........I Want To Change Asap?
Date Posted:Friday, 12/13/2002 3:03 PM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh,

I sometimes feel bored of life, I always think a lot about it, I see all the filth and pollution in society (IE - Lust, Anger, Negative Egos, Greed...etc).
I really feel like I want to make a change and help others as much I can. I have kept my hair and beard ever since I was born, I wanted to cut it when I was 15-16 (am 20 now), But now I am so glad and thank God I kept it. When I feel bored/tired of life I have less confidence and talk rubbish or not properly, then people just make of me but inside I feel hurt and just laugh it off (so they think). I don't know why this is, I have unconditional love from family etc. but I still feel like this. I listen to shabads, and when I listen to these I feel strong and safe and feel like I want to, to able to do seva and help others. I want to do kirtan and take Amrat, but where do I start? I do Japji Shahib Paat sometimes in the morning. I eat meat but want 2 stop, dont drink.

Is all this because I am just lazy or is it something else?

Life......? When I wander what it is and see time passing I know inside something is telling to get up and make that change. I feel good then but it only lasts a bit, what do you lot think of when you feel down or don't feel good enough compared to do manage to go on?

Please help as I really feel lost? I need that spirit, that light, to stay happy and not lazy? I know this is Sikhi but how do get on that path and know everyday I have learnt something more and am getting closer to God? I sometimes nearly cry that I know what I want but everyone around me just thinks I am stupid or not as good them and so on?

I am currently at uni in my second year doing multimedia design and will soon make an interactive site on Sikhi.

I know to reach that optimum level of Sikhi it takes time, effort and love but where do I begin?

Thank you for spending your time reading this and any help will be dearly appreciated!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh
Dear one,

Pain, discomfort is a great motivator. Thank God for your disatisfaction. You are not lazy you are human. Writing this letter expressing and defining your goals is a good first step.
1.You want to be Khalsa
2.You want to be self confident
3.You do not wish to be influenced by the opinions of others.
4.You would like to sing and play kirtan
5.You want to change your diet.
6.You want to be inspring to yourself and others
7.You want to work for the good of all.

Bravo! Your work is to develop your internal relationship with yourself and with your essence. All the frustration that you describe is from external sources. Well, non of us can really control what goes on around us. We can control and work on how we feel about ourselves.

You can start feeling very good about yourself. Begin by structuring your day to include your inner work. Set your alarm to get up 1 hour earlier than normal.
1.oil your body(almond or olive or mustard oil) and get into massage your body under the cold shower.....for at least 3 minutes.
2.dress, cover your head, do some simple stretches of the back, the legs, the arms, the head and neck.....wake yourself up
3. sit in a quiet and reverent place(do you have a Gurdwara in your home?) If not, make yourself an alter with your nitnem and a picture of the Golden Temple or something very spiritual. You can sit there to do your Jap Ji Sahib. RECITE OUTLOUD!!!!! SING EVEN.
4.After completing Jap ji, read one pauri in English (you can print out the translation from Sikhnet. Study the meaning and look for how the example of that pauri is verified in your life that day.
5.Stand up and do an Ardas in ENGLISH. When you speak the Guru's names, actually feel their presence with you satnding together with you at that moment.

At the end of your Ardas, bless the people that have hurt you......say: in the name of the Guru I bless................. Say this 3x for each person. Bless yourself in this same way. Then say, God bless this world with peace. Be sure to give thanx for some things every day.

6.Then take a hukam from the Guru and read the translation and apply what the Guru is saying to your day.

7. Start researching for a class in Martial Arts in your neighborhood with a good and inspiring teacher. You would benefit from a once a week class.Sign up for this class.

8. Find a person in the community, friend or Giani, who will teach you a simple shabd and some basics about kirtan. Learn a shabd and do it daily.

9.Every night before you go to bed read a few pages from the book: "The Sikh Religion" by Max Macauliff. It has some great stories Guru's and is very authentic.

10.Keep looking to your intuition for guidence and direction. Everything you need is inside of you. Through your deep deep focus with the guidence and wisdom of the Guru, you will find a great depth of wisdom inside of your own self. Beleive this.

Do this routine, #1 through #7 and #9 without break for 40 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is where you can start. See how you feel then.
God bless you to learn the experience of "Chardi Kala".

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Life? I Feel Tired And Bored.........I Want To Change Asap? (12/13/2002)
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