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Summary of Question:Matha Tek ( Bowing ) To Human Baba Ji's !!
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/03/2002 10:29 PM MST

Recently witnessed a disturbing practice of Matha Tekna (Head Bowing) in front of human Baba ji in Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (Birmingham) UK by the majority of the sangat. The practice was so wide spread that were people lined up to do the act & was well organized by the Gurdwara by having arranged a special meal served in the morning in one of the halls that has pictures of the Sikh Gurus and also had the picture of the founder of the Jatha. The picture of the founder of the Jatha was staged as the primary worship spot where people would line up and bow their heads and having done that they would proceed to the acting head of the Jatha and bow their head in his feet and take the langar from the Human Baba Ji. Is this what Sikhism teaches us or this is what modern age Sikhisn call for towards humam Baba jis as the savior of those fellow so called Sikhs?

Sat Siri Akaal.
What you have described is NOT Sikh, but the ones there believe it to be. It sounds like the so-called Sikhs involved might be part of a sect that believes in a living Guru, not Siri Guru Granth Sahib. I do not know. But what you tell us above is not Sikh.

The 10th Master Guru Gobind Singh gave the guruship to Siri Guru Granth before he died, and told us to bow ONLY to God and Guru in the form of Siri Guru Granth Sahib, not to a human 'guru' or teacher or regular person, for that matter. Spiritual teachers are great to have, without question, I know because I have one and he's Sikh. But I do not BOW to him. Nor would he let me bow to him as you describe! My point is that these 'babajis', if they are Sikh, have not been following Guru's instruction about bowing only to God & Guru and to no man.
Guru ang sang,
I would like to clear the air regarding Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, Birmingham, UK.

Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh has clearly stated that he does not wish the sangat to bow to him. He even has a message on the wall stating this. However, as a respected member of the Sikh Panth people bow to him. He guides the Sangat to Our Siri Guru Granth Sahib and not to himself as did Baba Puran Singh Ji. The founder of the Jatha.

There is nothing wrong with bowing to someone you respect in Indian and Sikh culture. Infact touching of the feet of people you respect is a sign of respect and must not be confused with bowing to the Guru. This is totally different. We bow to our parents - is this also wrong then?

Babaji in his life time and both Bhai sahibs have spent there life working for the panth and have never taken a penny from any of the sangat for this. They only travel with their own earnings and do not use the Gurdhwaras funds for this. Something that can not be said for the so called leaders of our panth.

I think if people wish to bow to them out of this respect - which is inline with our traditions - then there is nothing wrong with this. However, the sangat knows they are not a GURU or are neither proclaiming to be anything but a humble servant to the Sikh Panth.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say. However, if you still wish to discuss this further by including passages from our Guru Granth Sahib Ji (eg. Sukhmani Sahib and many other passages).I will be more than welcome to do so.


Harminder Singh

Dear Harminder Singh,
Sat Siri Akaal. Thank you for this clarification. I know it is an Indian/Sikh cultural tradition to bow to elders. But in an individual's mind, what are they bowing to? There is still, without question, a lot of confusion among many who call themselves Sikh re: bowing to anyone but Siri Guru. In my own experience, I have seen this confusion or perhaps (for some) this hedging of one's spiritual bets. Such folks bow to SGGS and to other Hindu or Buddhist or Christian gods/saints, in human form or not. Do I think these folks understand being Sikh? No. What they do in their personal lives is their choice without question, but should a Gurdwara encourage this? No.

Personally, I too have touched the feet of my teacher, something he will NOT allow in presence of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. I think matha tek in SGGS presence is a sacrilege. If the report of the above-named gurdwara is true, Babaji should not have set himself up in the presence of Siri Guru, and the gurdwara management should have made it clear to the sangat that matha tek to said Babaji should not be done in the presence of Siri Guru Granth. Langar halls or other meeting places might be more appropriate to get Babaji's darshan. This policy should apply anywhere anytime in any Gurdwara that calls itself Sikh.
Guru ang sang,
Dear Harminder Singh,
Sat Siri Akaal. As you stated that there is message on the wall stating that not to do matha tekna, then why is their such an elaborate arrangement to encourage this kind of practice. If Bhai Mohinder Singh is serious about the message on the message on the wall, then why does he not once and for all ask the sangat not to perform this ritual in the Gurdwara. It has been witnessed by the community that this practice is so wide spread in the Jatha that the sangat do matha tekna almost everywhere within the complex of sacred Gurdwara and some Gursikhs to matha tekna to his slippers. If this is what it takes to show respect then that could be there personal choice, but what is more disturbing is that the Jatha head is allowing it go by just by merely posting a message on the wall. If Bhai Mohinder Singh ji is serious about the message on the wall then why not ask the sangat to only bow before the sacred Guru Granth Sahib and seek the blessing from the Almighty GOD.

Kartar Singh

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