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Summary of Question:True Sikhs
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/20/2002 8:43 AM MDT

Sat sri akal,

In my understanding,a true sikh is meant to be a sant-sipahi.This ,as i understand it, means saint-soldier.So why are parents so eager to push thier children into spiritual side of sikhi yet neglect the temporal side of sikhi.I have noticed that many of the older generation consider themselves to be good sikhs but are totally againt any training in the way of martial arts.I have also noticed that if you mention the events of 1984 or anything associated with it to an uncle ji,they will try and change the subject or act as if it never happened.can anyone enlighten me on why this happens?

waheguru ji ka khalsa ,waheguru ji ki fateh.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I certainly can't speak for your uncles or parents, but I can give you an educated guess (as a parent!). They don't want you to get hurt! It's probably just a protective attitude. Certainly martial arts are a very definite part of the Sikh tradition, and we are deservedly known as the "Soldier-Saints." There is so much violence in the world today, probably your elders are hoping to keep you from it. Blessings! SP

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