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Summary of Question:Re: Reasons For Tying A Turban
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 1/09/2004 9:19 PM MST


"Further, when a human or another animal is scared, the hair all over their bodies stand up. Why does this happen? It happens to give the human or the animal greater sensitivity and intuitiveness in the situation they are in."

Dear HSD, I have read your debate with this fellow on the reasons of wearing a kada and tying a turban. But, as to the reason you gave this fellow for an animals hair standing up is false as far as I know. According to the discovery channel hairs standing up are merely a trick, to make the opponent think that the animal is larger, and also a body symbol, similar to a dog wagging its tail. When my dog raises his hackles, he truly isnt giving him greater sensitivity, because he's not seeking sensitivity. He's usually seeking to attack or bark at whatever is on the other side. How does this relate with sensitivity?


Sat Sri Akal Ji,

Thank you for your post. The Discovery Channel is right, making an animal seem larger is one function of hair. But it is just one of many. For examply, whiskers on a cat (which are basically hair), help them when they move about by picking and sensing physical obstructions in their path.

Hair on a human is for protection and sensing also. However, since we as humans have developed many other ways of sensing, it is hard to sense with hair. But I have an experiment for you to do, one that I've tried myself. At some point when you're indoors and warm and comfortable, run your hand through the hair on your arms or legs. You'll feel your skin and the hair, but you won't (or at least I didn't) have a sensation from the hair. Next, when at some point you are outside and it is cold and you have goosebumps and your hair on your arms/legs is standing up straight, run your hand through them again. This time, you will feel with your hair too.

The hair are connect to a muscle which makes them stand up. When these muscles are tensed, it is easier to feel or have sensation with your hair. I believe this act of the hair standing up is called piloerection, but I'm not a biologist so you probably want to do research on your own!

Thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated.

Gur Fateh,

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