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Summary of Question:Studies And Sikhi
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/24/2002 12:00 AM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
i just want some kind of answer from Guru Granth Sahib ji.i have taken Hukumnama to Get the answers for many questions and for this as well, but all the time i do, it comes up to>>Nam simran, like there is nothing in this world thats worth but doing nam simran, and giving my self to Guru. i dont understand it. i mean i do, but i just dont get the part that, if im suppose to do simran, and nothing in this world is worth but nam. like we are to reach Waheguru, i mean Be ONE WITH HIM, right, but how can I do that, when I have so many other things to do, like school, frinds, work e.t.c. I knwo Sikh isn't suppose to give up anything, and is suppose to live life the way it is.
aight my thing is, im a university student, and before i used to be like motivated to study and do everything, but all the sudden i have no intrest in things,cuz when i read Gurbani, its just tottaly diffrent from what my uni tells me. and like all the things i learn in uni seems like a lie, then i say to my self, why should i study somehting which might change soon or is a lie and is not gona go with me when i die. i mean it feels like waste of time some times. i often come to ask my self that why am i doing all this, when i should be concentationg on waheguru. Like these things are taking time away from me. then if i dont do good in school, it feels liek i m not fulfilling my duties i guess!(im not doing whatim suppose to, like work hard at what ever challenges im given).
u know like we are to remeber waheguru all teh time, but i haven't reached that level, where i m doing siran, but also with that im doing other deeds as well. to study we need concentration right,but at the same time, to remeber God in thoughts we need concentration as well. they both can't be done at the same time, or can they be? i sorta know that we can, but im not at that level yet.
im lost i think:( what am i suppose to do, give up studies? i mean i dont really wana do that deep down,cuz then in this society i wont be recon as anything. but should i worry bout what society has to say about me? cuz i don't think a sikh is suppose to care bout society.... but also i dont see any point in gettinga degree except that i will have good job after im done with my studies.<<<but does this have any meaning in sikhi?
help me i guess:( i don't knwo if this all makes any sence at all but i tried to explain as much as i could.
my thing is that, i wana do what i was sent here on earth for(unite with Waheguru) and enjoy what is described in our Gurbani by all the bhagats and our Guru sahibans.
thaks for reading this whole thing....bhull chukk muaff karnii
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Waheguru Ang Sang
Dear one, you are are a multifaceted creation of God. Remembering your "Source", Wahe Guru, gives you great insight and power. No other creation of God had this power to know it's connection to Infinity. You must go beyond the words that you read in the Guru and apply them to your life so you can feel a oneness between you, and God and all creation.

We have 3 principles that we as Sikhs live by:
1.Naam Japanaa-chant God's Name
2.Dharam dee kirat karanee-earn an honest living
3.Vandh chankanaa-share with others

We do not just sit in meditation and forget about the world. We are people that work hard and contribute and sustain....just as God does the work of keeping this Universe going.....we have the job of living in this world.

Not really a good idea to blame your negative attitude about school on the Guru.You can change your attitude and use your mind and breath to inspire yourself to excell and do well in all your activities. This would be what the Guru is saying to you.

I agree that the Guru is not real easy to understand......but as with most efforts,the time you take to get to know and understand the Guru will serve you throughout your life.

A way to start the process of having the experience of God as a part of you is to do this breath meditation from SGGS. On page 1106 in the Bir is a meditation in Siri Guru Granth Sahib for you to do daily to give yourself this experience. By, Jai Dev, "Man Aad Gun Aad Vakhaniaa".....etc.

For 11 minutes daily.....(same time every day)
1.sit in meditative posture,(cross legged on floor is one way)
2.close your eyes 9/10ths (called a drunk stare)
3.Sit straight and tall your hands on your knees your thumb over your right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril and hold the breath in.
6.while you hold the breath pump the belly and MENTALLY say Wahe Guru 16 times(you are pumping the belly 16 times at the same time you are silently saying "Wa He Guru". Keep count on your fingers.
7. Then cover your LEFT nostril with your finger and EXHALE through the RIGHT nostril.
Continue this routine for 11 minutes on the clock. Again use your thumb to close off your RIGHT nostril and inhale deeply and completely through your leftf nostril and so on......

After the 11 minutes you can sit and meditate or lie down onto your back and go into a deep relaxation for 11 minutes Do this every day for 40 days....before you judge it. It will give you great clarity, insight and help remove that veil of doubt that you are struggling with.

God bless you, SKKK

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