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Summary of Question:No Time For Me
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/14/2004 5:33 PM MDT

I'm sort of dating this guy and we both work and go to school so its really hard for us to spend time together. I mean we talk on the phone but not that much because hes usually really tired. The only time we can see each other is on the weekends but he always wants to go out with his friends or cousins. One os his cousins is in town for 2 weeks and he over at his house every single day...from when he gets off work until hes tired and wants to go home. And all im asking for is one day but NOOO...he tells me that "****** is here, im gonna chill with him" but hes been hanging out with him every day for 2 weeks.. I dont get it. i get so mad and i know i shouldnt but its just i really want to see him and it doesnt seem like he really wants to see me... what should i say or do?? please help!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It's pretty obvious that you care more for this guy than he cares for you. If he doesn't want to spend time with you now, you are foolish to think there's a future with him. You are just a convenience for him, when he hasn't got something better (or that he prefers) to do. Face it, he's really not that interested in you. You should wise up and build a life for yourself that has some worth and doesn't revolve around some guy. How are you doing in school? Are you working toward a career? And, beyond that, have you given any thought at all to what is the purpose of life! Do you relate to the Guru? Do you read the banis? Your soul took on this incarnation to learn lessons, and to give you the opportunity to experience the REAL you, that Truth within you that is actually Divine. So long as you live in your emotions, you won't recognize your own fantastic potential. We've been given the path of Sikh Dharma to help us discover the SAT NAM that lives and breathes in each of us. Try focusing on that, and stop chasing after this guy - or any other guy! blessings, SP

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