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Summary of Question:Mistakes After Taking Amrit
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/26/2005 6:56 AM MDT

Taking amrit is a beautiful commitment to achieving your highest self on the path of Nanak. But it is not a magical intervention that suddenly purifies your thoughts and feelings.

In a similar fashion, your desires and emotions can not be stopped through philosophy or attempted repression. It is said that the person without lust, anger, greed, pride or attachment is not a saint - he is dead.

If you wish to walk the path of Nanak, the only way is to develop the habits of Nanak. Rise in the morning. Read gurbani. Meditate on the name of God.

Then - most important - be yourself. Be sincere. You are not a Sikh being you - you are you. You are not amritdhari being you - you are just you.

Give God a chance. Let your practice be an opening for Guru to affect your life. But for it to be real, it must be sincere, and for it to be sincere, you can not try to control it. Just let go and let God.

Whoever you are, God has made you exactly that. Be honest with yourself so you can be honest with the world. You are not "trying" to be anything - you are you and that is a beautiful and precious thing.


I recently took amrit 2 months ago after coming into sikhi about 1 yr ago. Taking amrit was the best thing and experience i have ever had in my life. Before taking amrit i used to be in maya and in the five evils without realising, i used to think of sexual desire, ego etc. But after taking amrit i started realising when i was near the five evils i felt them chasing after me and i was aware of them as being an enemy and a danger to me. But to be honest recently on certain occasions i have given into the five evils and have allowed them to enter my mind by thinking of sexual desire and ego etc. I feel bad as if i have gone back on my amrit by letting them rule my mind. I made a promise to guru ji when i took amrit that i would rise above these things but i feel as though i have been defeated by them and i dont know what to do now. please could you reply back with your opinion thanks.

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