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Summary of Question:God Is Everywhere, Is God Present In Just Natural Things
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/25/2002 6:19 PM MDT

Respected Khalsa ji

Sat Sri Akal,

They say that God is everywhere and i believe that its 100% true, but im just confused...if God is present everywhere does that mean God is also present in the carpet in our homes on which we walk on or is God just present in those natural things, like grass, trees, air, water, fire, wind, sun, humans, animals, and all living creatures.

oh yes i have another question,God is present in all living beings, so if a person is alive, it is obvious that God is present in that person, so what if the person is dead, is God still present in that dead person too or is God just present in 'living thigs'? What is the difference between an alive human and a dead one, one is breathing the other is not. But the reason a person is alive because it is God that 'INVISIBLE POWER OF LIFE' is playing inside that person. So does that mean that when a person is dead, God is no longer in that body? Please tell me what is right, im very confused....

thankyou very much
please forgive me if this does not make any sense


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
You said it yourself, Ji. God is that "invisible power of LIFE". In physical form, the FORM dies, but the essence does not. While I don't know what happens to the essence of a flower or 4-legged creature, I do know that GOd informs all humanity, and that the essence of any person lives on beyond the body. The body dies, not the soul. So, God is not present in the dead body but IS present in the soul and spirit of the one who died.

Gurbani tells us that all are within GOD. In Rehiras, Aasa M. 4, "Too(n) daree-ao sabh tujh hee mahe" = You are the River of LIfe, all are within You." In that same shabd, "Jin har sayvia tin sukh paa-i-aa sehejay he har naam samaa-i-aa" = They who serve you obtain peace and are easily absorbed into the Lord's Naam." Here the "Naam" refers to Waheguru, or merge with the Primal essence.

IN another shabd of Rehiras, Raag Goojaree, M 5, "Sir Sir rijak sambahay thakur kaahay man bhaou kari-aa; ooday ood avai sai kosaa tis pachhai bacharay chhari-aa, tin kavan khalaavai kavan chugavai man meh simran kari-aa" = For each and every one, the Lord master provides sustencance, so why do you fear oh my soul? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles leaving their young ones behind, who feeds them and teaches them to feed themselves, have you considered this?"

In Jaap Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh, see: "He is the death of all. He is the Sustainer of all" (v. 114); Everywhere H is the Destroyer, everywhere He permeates, He manifests in all forms, He watches over all." (v. 115)

Hope this answers your questions. Guru ang sang,

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