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Summary of Question:Reason For Not Trimming Beard
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/28/2002 4:02 PM MDT

sat sri akal,

my question is regarding my beard. although this question has been asked many times in this q&a forum,i dont believe a proper answer is given, with all due respect.

i have been tought that the reason for sikhs to keep their natural hair is for identification, so that a sikh can be recognized any where, any time. However, wat is the purpose of a beard then. If the turban fulfills the identification pupurpose, why is a long natural beard a neccessity? Why did Guru Gobind Singh Ji make sure that a sikh keeps his/ her beard?
My second question: Are women supposed to keep thier beards? Although women have less facial hair grwoth than men, they nevertheless have some hair growth. Are they supposed to keep thier facial hair as well?

a response will be very appreciated.
thank u.


Sat Siri Akaal. I don't think you read every post about hair or beard on this site, since your question has been answered! Sikhs do not cut their hair, period. Hair serves many purposes on this body; this has been described on this Forum AT LENGTH. Search it out. Thus, men keep their beards, and women keep their facial hair. Sikhs believe the body is a temple for the Presence (God) within, and that to alter or change the body (short of medical necessity) is like telling God He doesn't know what He's doing. It's like a Sikh saying that he is better than God, which is contrary to Gurbani, if you study it, which I highly recommend you do.
Guru rakha,

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Reason For Not Trimming Beard (07/28/2002)
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