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Summary of Question:I Need Help Singing
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 4/24/2004 3:30 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

I am a 12 year old girl in California. I just LOVE listening to music: everything from rock to classical to pop to soundtracks: almost all music. But I only like singing/playing one kind of music: kirtan

I enjoy learning, singing, and learning kirtan so much!! I feel natural to it. Thanks to the Waheguru, my hands move around the vaja (harmonium) with ease and it’s easy for me to adapt a tune after I hear it.

I only have one problem; I don’t sing as well as I would like to. I know what matters is that you are singing to God, not the audience, but I hope you can understand that I want to improve my singing.

I don’t sing horrible, just not that good…..

Alright, here are my problems:

1. I want to be able to sing loud and keep the vaja down, any tips?
2. I want to improve my overall singing ability, can you help me?

Thank you so much….and if you can, can you please answer this one small question:

Is it alright for me to listen to the music I stated above?

Thanks again.

---- REPLIES ----

You are indeed blessed to 'only like singing/playing Kirtan' -- your soul understands the beauty and upliftment that comes from Gurbani. Now -- my suggestion is that you find a teacher to guide you as you develop as a singer. An experienced and patient teacher who is also a good singer him/herself will give you the guidance you are seeking. Please let us know where in California you live, so we can give some suggestions for teachers in your area. There are also Sikh youth camps that take place in California. They teach Gurbani to the students, probably in large groups. This would be a good support, in addition to taking some one-to-one lessons.

Sangeet Kaur


There is nothing wrong with listening to all kinds of music. Tune into how you feel when you listen to the music. Does it elevate you? Does it bring you down? Which chakra (energy center) is stimulated? Much of Rock is very sexual or lower chakra. Is that where you want your energy to live? If you keep a balance in the music you listen to, you should be OK. Kirtan is the best, because it elevates your energy and Soul.

As far as developing your voice- Do you do scales...SaReGaMaPaDaNiSa? Concentrate on opening your voice at the throat chakra and sing Sargams. If you can take Rag lessons, that is the best, with will develop your voice. Try to find a teacher.

Blessings. GTKK

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