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Summary of Question:Problem With Hairy Legs In School....
Date Posted:Tuesday, 11/26/2002 4:01 PM MST

WjKk WjKf,

okay this has been goin on for a while now, i am 14 and i am i girl, and i can not do anything, in school i can not do any sports, or participate in many activities, and u know why that is? its all because i can not shave my legs. all the other girls do it, but i cant, my mother wont allow me to, all the sports at my schools require girls to wear shorts or skirts, or tank tops, and i can not do anything which will not look good on my college application 3 years from now. is there anyway u can help me?!? thankz in advance

Sat Siri AKaal. You are a Sikh, act like it girl! Hairy legs are NO reason you cannot play those sports, etc. If anyone asks, just tell them that you are Sikh and in your faith, Sikhs do not remove/shave/cut their hair, PERIOD. They WILL get over it. And if colleges is important to you, then you'll have to 'just do it!' It will take you calling on that reserve of COURAGE you have somewhere in your being, but I know you can do it, and you will be respected for it if you are up front about it at school. It's not about your mother, dear, it's about being Sikh. When you move out of the house someday, shave away if that is important to you, but honor your heritage til then.

You could consider approaching your gym teacher about wearing a t-shirt instead of a tank top and about wearing appropriate full-legged sports pants, although you would still stand out. That's our way, though, one always knows a Sikh. You can do it!
Guru ang sang,

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