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Summary of Question:Define Please Karma?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 7/12/2004 7:35 PM MDT

Sat Nam...

There is a saying among my Pagan friends that there is a "rule of three," that whatever your actions or intentions, for good or bad, will come back to you three times over. For this reason, those of the Wiccan or Pagan beliefs teach "Harm None" as their foremost commandment.

Now I ask, is this a different understanding of Karma than what Sikhi teaches? It is the only meaning I know; my husband, one of those ultra-logical, scientific-minded types, says that karma is another new-age buzzword. Can anyone define the teaching for me in terms of the Sikh understanding?

Blessed be,


<<<<< REPLY>>>>>

Sat Nam! Your understanding of karma is correct. Every thought, intent and action has a sequence. Every action has a consequence. The universe is in complete balance. Newton's third law of motion says: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." It is an absolute law of physics.

Most scriptures have some version of "what a man sows, so he shall reap." Basically, we create our own reality through what we choose to think and do. Karma is a law of life. Harm None. . . and act while being consciously aware of the sequence and the consequence.

"It's by the actions you do again and again that you create your own life and death.
What you eat is what you sow. In God's will, O Nanak! We come and go."

(Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Japji Sahib Pauri 20)


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Define Please Karma? (07/12/2004)
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