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Summary of Question:Re:Marrying For Happiness - Wrong?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Monday, 5/07/2007 4:24 PM MDT


This is for the original poster.Before I put my views across, plz accept my best wishes and may GOD bless you with all the happiness in life.

After reading through you post, I had some questions!! I am sorry, however I didn’t get the purpose behind this post. Did you post it to berate Sikh boys or justify you decision to marry non-Sikh ?
As you mentioned, it is not any ones business with whom you choose to marry, then why do you even bother to ask Sikhnet that if its wrong?

Anyways, I feel when some ppl get judgmental about Sikh girls, its may be because they feel frustrated considering they cannot find any Sikh girl upto their expectations, the same way you were not able to find any Sikh boy as per your expectations.
It adds to their frustration the fact that each girl claims to be a proud Sikh. Trust me after hearing this, ppl expect that girl will be strong and not get disappointed by some bad examples. And the girl will not give up finding a Sikh groom. Moreover, some feel that as a Sikh, it is their responsibility to pass on Sikh faith to next generation. And they feel indebted so as to teach their kids’ about this great religion. As you said that true Sikh never judges anyone, however everyone as full right to have their opinion and perhaps, in their opinion true Sikh should marry only Sikh as per Rehat.

You rightly said its sick to have an affair after marriage.However, I am sure you would agree with me when I say that its not limited to Sikh community only. So that might happen even in inter-caste/inter-race marriage as well. Moreover, I guess in US over 95% of the marriages are not arranged and STILL, this country has highest divorce rate. That pretty much explains that something is definitely wrong.

Plz don’t hold any hard feelings. I just wished to present my views.

Manpreet Singh

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